Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Resignation.

Anyways I know that I've been a great mystery if anyone really reads my all

Well lets get to know me and what I am about.

Its simple, I live in SO California. I live in LA County

I'm a very complicated person to get along with if your a retard, football player, George W. Bush, or straight up ignorant.

I hate racial pride groups (Red Necks, KKK, Brown Berets, The New Black Panther Party, Taliban, IRA)

Due to recent events that have taken place near the area where I reside I now carry a 1911 Kimber Pistol with .45 ACP bullets and I carry depending how I feel either 4 or 6 extra clips including the eight in the pistol (7 clip + 1 chamber) so a total of 36 rounds ready to pierce your neck or chest if you dare come point a gat on me.

I dont believe in relgion or in the bible, because the bible was a creation of man, and I dont trust in man because we as humans are flaw.

on my spare time I like to write poetry or rap that actually has a meaning none of this fucking super spade shit that everyone listen to on 105.9fm

I look like a soft huggable teddy bear when you first see me, but piss me off and this teddy bear will knock you the fuck out.

Im not a racist i just dont like ignorant people.

I love Japan, I dont know why I just do, probably go live there later on when my career is straight.

There's alot of people that were assholes to me in high school but now are a bunch of losers in life, that i'm going to catch slipping one day.

If I could meet anyone right now it would probably be Malcolm X, he was an interesting person.

I believe that White Supremist groups, social clubs, etc. and their members should be hanging from trees, there places of meetings blown up along with them, the same way the U.S. fights all terrorism groups.

I love dogs and rabbits, as a matter of fact i have a big fat grey rabbit name dolly, he's probably the smartest and dopest rabbit ever.

I work at an electronic store, I love my coworkers were always finding a way of staying up before the CHP comes and tells us to get the fuck off the "highway" fucking

I'm currently listening to A Tribe Called Quest - Can I Kick It?

The last person I kissed was your girl while she had her legs wrap around my back.

Whenever I go to Mexico, I'm always strapped because I dont trust those fucking pussy ass spicks bitching about the government yet they're a bunch fucking pussies scared to do anything about it.

I hate spicks, spooks, gooks, and crackers who received welfare and yet they have a good source of income, thanks for taking my tax money away from those who really needed.

I believe that North Korea should be bomb to dust because communism is for fucking pussies who take the easy way of being a failure and getting shitty pay. Work hard for your status and bank homie, thats called democracy.

I hate punks who are all radical about the government, because real shit then get the fuck out of the country if you hate it homie, because all those white fucking rich boys who buy their pants and spandex clothing from mommys and daddys clothing, fucking posers. go get your punk shit at uptown 2000, or hottopic. fucking parasites.

I hate emo kids, or people that cut their wrist, seriously dude if your heart broken because your bitch left you, dang homie next time you do that shit for attention, cut your adams apple or across your neck, dont worry homie it heals just like your wrist.

im listening right now to the pharcyde - back in the day

im a great boyfriend so i've been told

If your going to robbed someone at gun point with a metal realistic airsoft gun make sure that your orange tip is completely especialy the inside, and make sure it doesnt say Biohazard on the slide or else your going to end up getting your ass kicked, please it saves me the trouble of going to the station and filling out a report for almost breaking your fucking jaw bone with my knee.

I have two cousins in the military, also my grandfather and uncle were great fighters, so i know how to shoot, load, re load, disassembled, clean, and reassembled fire arms. Including breaking, tearing, dislocating, disarming, body parts and people.

if your sad about how a person could be its okay theres worse people than me out there.

come and spread your arms if you really need a hug

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Introduction of Chich Vol.2

Well today was a pretty good...I guess umm class was like really boring so I didnt learn much for my speech class. Its all about debating and giving out alot of speeches on stupid fictious shit, but I guess that it has to be done so if one day I dont have stage fright in front of a large crowd. It's all good though. After I pretty much did the usual things of going home and then heading out to pick my girl, kicked with her for awhile, chased an injured dog and then it just got away from me. After kicked it with my homies and then came home and found out that my stepdad's SUV had gotten stolen and all I said was oh well shit happens, just as long as they aint trying to come into my house and shit if they do we got an arsenal that would rip them to shreds.

Thats one thing that pisses me off about society, fucking theives. If the law was still like in the wild west, shit I'd be blasting all them idiots left and right. This is the scenario that anybody would need a AK-47 or a AR-15, but no thanks to our gay legislation of the state of California we are only allowed to shoot bolt action rifles, shotguns, and 5 shot internal clip AR-15's. But oh well life is the way it is.

The Introduction of Chich

Umm I really dont know why I even signed up for this darn blog thing, but I guess its part of the new things to do other than the usual myspace, facebook, twitter, paintballing, working at best buy, hanging out with your friends, fucking your girl...ehh I guess this is better than doing all of the above :/ hahaha wow. Well I dont think that I'll be writing other stuff anytime soon but if I am that will be cool. lol I guess. Well thats cool, I guess its a cool place for me to write my thoughts and have someone on here jack my ideals and beliefs because no one in America is Original anymore. Its all about the scene and the latest shit. Well thats cool in a sense but yeah we're all gifted with the silver tounge I dont even know why.

Well today I went to McDonalds and some Hindu guys run it, which is all cool I'm not a racist so all you anti-racist crazy nuts relax. Well anyways they messed up my order becuase they didnt really understand me or it was something that had to do with the communication process, but whatever it was it fucked up my order so I didnt even eat that shit cause im not a big fan of chicken nuggets, cause they look all fucking greasey to the max, so i just ate my fries and my drink.

Then Today I went to Uptown Whittier where there was a bunch of Jesus Fruits on the streets trying to give me candy and water after I told the last two that I passed all out loud that I was diabetic but I guess that wasnt really important cause they kept asking until one of them finally got to the point I wanted to hear. He began to ask me if I believed in Jesus Christ and I simply answered my demise by saying "NO". That was the shot heard around the world, they began questioning me why I didnt believe and that I was going to the fictious land of hell where I would meet a fictious character known as the Devil. So since I was surrounded I had no choice but to kick the youngest one in the balls and book it. So yeah well thats what happens when you try to push your beliefs onto a person that has their own. (EX. Vietnam War)

And if you feel the urge to freak, do the jitterbug